jeudi 15 août 2013

mercredi 14 août 2013

just another attempt of graphic design

just because i actually work in a cave.
just because the work shred my delicate hands.
just coz i need an haircut.

just coz i feel trapped.

ok, i have to admit that it may speaks about boundaries and having hands tied and face issue, but you know i never finish anything so if i wrap this up...  well i lure myself, but if anyone wants to write about this, why not? 

mardi 13 août 2013

... and now, for something totaly different...
that's what happens to me when i found myself wasting my time in front of my computer love. doing another alias : NHer, an try to make pictures with no points. bwahaha, life is short and i don't, really...  

lundi 5 août 2013

wake up 3.30 am each day, left the noon after the shift, ... to sleep. 
coz am a lazy guy once and for all, or just a weak one, i wonder sometimes.

dimanche 21 juillet 2013

and then again, nothing new under ze french dude summer sun,well, i found a job, and i intend on keeping it, so not much time...  

dimanche 14 juillet 2013

yo, there's again unfinished pages o mine about a cowboy and parenthood and jokes human being are capable of in western style, maybe...

jeudi 11 juillet 2013

oh, and then some pictures of my first and last own exibition "AlphabetZ", with the two pieces done for the event.


ok, i think i'll start to stop putting words in the baloons, really not worth the efforts, don't really care, whatever...

lundi 8 juillet 2013

cowboyz and whisky and indians on motorbike and flaming skeleton rider

okay, i m caught, i really need plots 'n scripts 'n dialogue 'n ...crap, i really need love (and a enormous bank account too) or just a little touch of grace.
okay, i'll take my medication and go to sleep now, bonsoir

jeudi 4 juillet 2013

comics with imagez + wordz

yo western stylee, thiz waz meant to be some short strips to connect a bigger story that fill the blank in another story blablablah, unfinished anyway and 80 pages long, so you can estimate ze waste of time disaster. zis is so french... 

cowboy and alien and booze in a saloon

say, what?

mercredi 3 juillet 2013

cowboys and comics

aw my, iz dat a cowboy done by a french little b*****d? yes it iz! 
(and don't expect my english to be better any day soon)

lundi 1 juillet 2013


wow, super n' dinosaurs n' ninjas n' robots n' khali for a cup o' coffee, i really need to sort it out...

dimanche 30 juin 2013

now, what's for a real unfinished an un inprogress hell of a panel featuring the fruit guerrilla and the patronized corporate in the jungle market ? promised, one day i'll explain...or just write a plot to tie all this stuff 

vendredi 28 juin 2013

jeudi 27 juin 2013

mardi 25 juin 2013

yup, that's a kind of a teasing for an exhibition in clermont ferrand, at "le breschet" the 5th  of july. And obviously you can expect some pictures of that in the near future

so introducing "jimmy jupiter" as the superhero known as "STATUS Q" in his never ending battle against the evil "ZARDORAX"and the urge to defend the rightous way of wearing a pajama. And kicking butts. 

so you got the match and the rematch

lundi 24 juin 2013

sorry, i really need my daily fix of dino & spandex & coffee too...

dimanche 23 juin 2013

ok so now i m done for the night, another week to begin and i have to find myself a job. bonsoir les amis