dimanche 30 juin 2013

now, what's for a real unfinished an un inprogress hell of a panel featuring the fruit guerrilla and the patronized corporate in the jungle market ? promised, one day i'll explain...or just write a plot to tie all this stuff 

vendredi 28 juin 2013

jeudi 27 juin 2013

mardi 25 juin 2013

yup, that's a kind of a teasing for an exhibition in clermont ferrand, at "le breschet" the 5th  of july. And obviously you can expect some pictures of that in the near future

so introducing "jimmy jupiter" as the superhero known as "STATUS Q" in his never ending battle against the evil "ZARDORAX"and the urge to defend the rightous way of wearing a pajama. And kicking butts. 

so you got the match and the rematch

lundi 24 juin 2013

sorry, i really need my daily fix of dino & spandex & coffee too...

dimanche 23 juin 2013

ok so now i m done for the night, another week to begin and i have to find myself a job. bonsoir les amis

ok, so, you know, zis iz not like i m on vacation, craving for a minimum wage passtime for a living, but...well, maybe this expain the unfinished thing o' mine after all.

oh, and for those who's just arrived, indeed, the reason why the pictures on this blog were not secured to download, iz i'm a lazy froggy.  enjoy

when i waz a little french kid i uzed to play with tiny plastic soldierz, i waz a lonely child, boohoo...and i doesn't play with other kidz,so no football for me, then i grow up and learn that war iz bad, so i change games. but for a reason or another, that two thingz made a couple in my head, something like warball... and the funniest thing it's you can mix it with any sports ( but don't forget to add sex scandals and a great amount of dirty money too).

vendredi 21 juin 2013

jeudi 20 juin 2013

okay les zamis, let's return to the purpose of being understood, and cool, and stuff. one day we maybe all sort it out, sort of...

mercredi 19 juin 2013

awwww, f**k! it looks like s**t, and it's each times the same old kind of bulls**t. no way i'm just a little french m***erf**er , and i really need to learn english outside of movies and tv shows (oh and for those interested, you don't have to take it seriously,these are words, and i do images , so 1+1 equal...so for those about to complain,well, **********.)

my oh my, wake up hard, need my fix o' coffee now

mardi 18 juin 2013

wow wow wow, zis one iz really unfinished...like a misguided attempt of a wraparound multiple cover for an aborted project of a comic book, well as usual...lazy me(notice the lack of background).