jeudi 15 août 2013

mercredi 14 août 2013

just another attempt of graphic design

just because i actually work in a cave.
just because the work shred my delicate hands.
just coz i need an haircut.

just coz i feel trapped.

ok, i have to admit that it may speaks about boundaries and having hands tied and face issue, but you know i never finish anything so if i wrap this up...  well i lure myself, but if anyone wants to write about this, why not? 

mardi 13 août 2013

... and now, for something totaly different...
that's what happens to me when i found myself wasting my time in front of my computer love. doing another alias : NHer, an try to make pictures with no points. bwahaha, life is short and i don't, really...  

lundi 5 août 2013

wake up 3.30 am each day, left the noon after the shift, ... to sleep. 
coz am a lazy guy once and for all, or just a weak one, i wonder sometimes.